uncertainty_wizard.models.stochastic_utils package


uncertainty_wizard.models.stochastic_utils.layers module

The layers in this file are extensions of the randomized keras layers, which are modified in a way to take the stochastic mode into account.

class uncertainty_wizard.models.stochastic_utils.layers.UwizBernoulliDropout(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: Dropout

The extension of tf.keras.layers.Dropout to be used in uncertainty wizard stochastic models

call(inputs, training=None)

This is where the layer’s logic lives.

The call() method may not create state (except in its first invocation, wrapping the creation of variables or other resources in tf.init_scope()). It is recommended to create state, including tf.Variable instances and nested Layer instances,

in __init__(), or in the build() method that is

called automatically before call() executes for the first time.

  • inputs

    Input tensor, or dict/list/tuple of input tensors. The first positional inputs argument is subject to special rules: - inputs must be explicitly passed. A layer cannot have zero

    arguments, and inputs cannot be provided via the default value of a keyword argument.

    • NumPy array or Python scalar values in inputs get cast as tensors.

    • Keras mask metadata is only collected from inputs.

    • Layers are built (build(input_shape) method) using shape info from inputs only.

    • input_spec compatibility is only checked against inputs.

    • Mixed precision input casting is only applied to inputs. If a layer has tensor arguments in *args or **kwargs, their casting behavior in mixed precision should be handled manually.

    • The SavedModel input specification is generated using inputs only.

    • Integration with various ecosystem packages like TFMOT, TFLite, TF.js, etc is only supported for inputs and not for tensors in positional and keyword arguments.

  • *args – Additional positional arguments. May contain tensors, although this is not recommended, for the reasons above.

  • **kwargs

    Additional keyword arguments. May contain tensors, although this is not recommended, for the reasons above. The following optional keyword arguments are reserved: - training: Boolean scalar tensor of Python boolean indicating

    whether the call is meant for training or inference.

    • mask: Boolean input mask. If the layer’s call() method takes a mask argument, its default value will be set to the mask generated for inputs by the previous layer (if input did come from a layer that generated a corresponding mask, i.e. if it came from a Keras layer with masking support).


A tensor or list/tuple of tensors.

classmethod from_keras_layer(layer: Dropout, stochastic_mode: StochasticMode)

Attempts to create a new UwizBernoulliDropout instance based on the configuration (i.e. dropout rate) of a passed Dropout layer :param layer: The layer from which to read the dropout layer :param stochastic_mode: The stochastic mode which allows to toggle randomness. :return: A UwizBernoulliDropout, if casting was successful. Otherwise (i.e., if the passed layer was a casting preventing subtype of Dropout), the passed layer is returned and a warning is printed to the console.


Returns the config of the layer.

A layer config is a Python dictionary (serializable) containing the configuration of a layer. The same layer can be reinstantiated later (without its trained weights) from this configuration.

The config of a layer does not include connectivity information, nor the layer class name. These are handled by Network (one layer of abstraction above).

Note that get_config() does not guarantee to return a fresh copy of dict every time it is called. The callers should make a copy of the returned dict if they want to modify it.


Python dictionary.

class uncertainty_wizard.models.stochastic_utils.layers.UwizGaussianDropout(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: GaussianDropout

The extension of tf.keras.layers.GaussianDropout to be used in uncertainty wizard stochastic models

call(inputs, training=None)

This is where the layer’s logic lives.

The call() method may not create state (except in its first invocation, wrapping the creation of variables or other resources in tf.init_scope()). It is recommended to create state, including tf.Variable instances and nested Layer instances,

in __init__(), or in the build() method that is

called automatically before call() executes for the first time.

  • inputs

    Input tensor, or dict/list/tuple of input tensors. The first positional inputs argument is subject to special rules: - inputs must be explicitly passed. A layer cannot have zero

    arguments, and inputs cannot be provided via the default value of a keyword argument.

    • NumPy array or Python scalar values in inputs get cast as tensors.

    • Keras mask metadata is only collected from inputs.

    • Layers are built (build(input_shape) method) using shape info from inputs only.

    • input_spec compatibility is only checked against inputs.

    • Mixed precision input casting is only applied to inputs. If a layer has tensor arguments in *args or **kwargs, their casting behavior in mixed precision should be handled manually.

    • The SavedModel input specification is generated using inputs only.

    • Integration with various ecosystem packages like TFMOT, TFLite, TF.js, etc is only supported for inputs and not for tensors in positional and keyword arguments.

  • *args – Additional positional arguments. May contain tensors, although this is not recommended, for the reasons above.

  • **kwargs

    Additional keyword arguments. May contain tensors, although this is not recommended, for the reasons above. The following optional keyword arguments are reserved: - training: Boolean scalar tensor of Python boolean indicating

    whether the call is meant for training or inference.

    • mask: Boolean input mask. If the layer’s call() method takes a mask argument, its default value will be set to the mask generated for inputs by the previous layer (if input did come from a layer that generated a corresponding mask, i.e. if it came from a Keras layer with masking support).


A tensor or list/tuple of tensors.

classmethod from_keras_layer(layer: GaussianDropout, stochastic_mode: StochasticMode)

Attempts to create a new UwizGaussianDropout instance based on the configuration (i.e. dropout rate) of a passed GaussianDropout layer :param layer: The layer from which to read the dropout layer :param stochastic_mode: The stochastic mode which allows to toggle randomness. :return: A UwizGaussianDropout, if casting was successful. Otherwise (i.e., if the passed layer was a casting preventing subtype of GaussianDropout), the passed layer is returned and a warning is printed to the console.


Returns the config of the layer.

A layer config is a Python dictionary (serializable) containing the configuration of a layer. The same layer can be reinstantiated later (without its trained weights) from this configuration.

The config of a layer does not include connectivity information, nor the layer class name. These are handled by Network (one layer of abstraction above).

Note that get_config() does not guarantee to return a fresh copy of dict every time it is called. The callers should make a copy of the returned dict if they want to modify it.


Python dictionary.

class uncertainty_wizard.models.stochastic_utils.layers.UwizGaussianNoise(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: GaussianNoise

The extension of tf.keras.layers.GaussianNoise to be used in uncertainty wizard stochastic models

call(inputs, training=None)

This is where the layer’s logic lives.

The call() method may not create state (except in its first invocation, wrapping the creation of variables or other resources in tf.init_scope()). It is recommended to create state, including tf.Variable instances and nested Layer instances,

in __init__(), or in the build() method that is

called automatically before call() executes for the first time.

  • inputs

    Input tensor, or dict/list/tuple of input tensors. The first positional inputs argument is subject to special rules: - inputs must be explicitly passed. A layer cannot have zero

    arguments, and inputs cannot be provided via the default value of a keyword argument.

    • NumPy array or Python scalar values in inputs get cast as tensors.

    • Keras mask metadata is only collected from inputs.

    • Layers are built (build(input_shape) method) using shape info from inputs only.

    • input_spec compatibility is only checked against inputs.

    • Mixed precision input casting is only applied to inputs. If a layer has tensor arguments in *args or **kwargs, their casting behavior in mixed precision should be handled manually.

    • The SavedModel input specification is generated using inputs only.

    • Integration with various ecosystem packages like TFMOT, TFLite, TF.js, etc is only supported for inputs and not for tensors in positional and keyword arguments.

  • *args – Additional positional arguments. May contain tensors, although this is not recommended, for the reasons above.

  • **kwargs

    Additional keyword arguments. May contain tensors, although this is not recommended, for the reasons above. The following optional keyword arguments are reserved: - training: Boolean scalar tensor of Python boolean indicating

    whether the call is meant for training or inference.

    • mask: Boolean input mask. If the layer’s call() method takes a mask argument, its default value will be set to the mask generated for inputs by the previous layer (if input did come from a layer that generated a corresponding mask, i.e. if it came from a Keras layer with masking support).


A tensor or list/tuple of tensors.

classmethod from_keras_layer(layer: GaussianNoise, stochastic_mode: StochasticMode)

Attempts to create a new UwizGaussianNoise instance based on the configuration (i.e. the standard deviation) of a passed GaussianNoise layer :param layer: The layer from which to read the dropout layer :param stochastic_mode: The stochastic mode which allows to toggle randomness. :return: A UwizGaussianNoise, if casting was successful. Otherwise (i.e., if the passed layer was a casting preventing subtype of GaussianNoise), the passed layer is returned and a warning is printed to the console.


Returns the config of the layer.

A layer config is a Python dictionary (serializable) containing the configuration of a layer. The same layer can be reinstantiated later (without its trained weights) from this configuration.

The config of a layer does not include connectivity information, nor the layer class name. These are handled by Network (one layer of abstraction above).

Note that get_config() does not guarantee to return a fresh copy of dict every time it is called. The callers should make a copy of the returned dict if they want to modify it.


Python dictionary.